
Influenza vaccine effectiveness estimates in Europe in a season with three influenza type/subtypes circulating: the I-MOVE multicentre case–control study, influenza season 2012/13.

Kissling E, Valenciano M, Buchholz U, Larrauri A, Cohen J M, Nunes B, Rogalska J, Pitigoi D, Paradowska-Stankiewicz I, Reuss A, Jiménez-Jorge S, Daviaud I, Guiomar R, O’Donnell J, Necula G, Głuchowska M, Moren A.

Euro Surveill. 2014;19(6):pii=20701.

Available here

Vaccine effects and impact of vaccination programmes in post-licensure studies.

Hanquet G, Valenciano M, Simondon F, Moren A.

Vaccine. 2013 Nov 19;31(48):5634-42. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2013.07.006. Epub 2013 Jul 13. PMID: 23856332.

Available here

Implementation of an alert and response system in Haiti during the early stage of the response to the cholera epidemic

Santa-Olalla P, Gayer M, Magloire R, Barrais R, Valenciano M, Aramburu C, Poncelet JL, Gustavo Alonso JC, Van Alphen D, Heuschen F, Andraghetti R, Lee R, Drury P, Aldighieri S.

Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2013 Oct;89(4):688-697. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.13-0267. PMID: 24106196; PMCID: PMC3795099.

Available here

2011-12 seasonal influenza vaccines effectiveness against confirmed A(H3N2) influenza hospitalisation: pooled analysis from a European network of hospitals. A pilot study.

Rondy M, Puig-Barbera J, Launay O, et al.

Plos one. 2013 ;8(4):e59681. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0059681. PMID: 23565159; PMCID: PMC3614550.

Available here

Effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination – Generic study protocol for retrospective case control studies based on computerised databases.

Technical Guidance.

ECDC 2013, April 30

Available here

Effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination – Generic study protocol for retrospective cohort studies based on computerised databases

Technical Guidance. ECDC

2013, April 30

Available here

Impact of rotavirus vaccination.

Technical Guidance. ECDC.

2013, April 30.

Available here

Low and decreasing vaccine effectiveness against influenza A(H3) in 2011/12 among vaccination target groups in Europe: results from the I-MOVE multicentre case-control study.

Kissling E, Valenciano M, Larrauri A, Oroszi B, Cohen JM, Nunes B, Pitigoi D, Rizzo C, Rebolledo J, Paradowska-Stankiewicz I, Jiménez-Jorge S, Horváth JK, Daviaud I, Guiomar R, Necula G, Bella A, O’Donnell J, Głuchowska M, Ciancio BC, Nicoll A, Moren A

Euro Surveill. 2013 Jan 31;18(5):20390. doi: 10.2807/ese.18.05.20390-en.

Available here

Protocol for hospital-based case control studies to measure seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness against laboratory confirmed influenza hospitalisations across the European Union and European Economic area Member States

Prepared by Seyler T, Rondy M, Valenciano M, Moren A.

V4.0. Nov 2012.

Checklist for reviewing protocols of observational epidemiological studies
Technical Report. SPMSD. 2012, September

Available here

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