
Cohort study to measure COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among health workers in the WHO European Region: guidance document

World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. 2021

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Estimating COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against severe acute respiratory infections (‎SARI)‎ hospitalisations associated with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2: an evaluation using the test-negative design: guidance document

World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. 2021

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Household transmission of SARS-CoV-2: a prospective observational study in Bosnia and Herzegovina, August–December 2020

Musa S, Kissling E,Valenciano M,Dizdar F, Blažević M,Jogunčić A, Palo M,Merdrignac L, Pebody R, Jorgense P.

International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2021 September, 28 DOI

Available here

Incidence and severity of pertussis hospitalisations in infants aged less than 1 year in 37 hospitals of six EU/EEA countries, results of PERTINENT sentinel pilot surveillance system, December 2015 to December 2018

Merdrignac L, Aït El Belghiti F, Pandolfi E, Jané M, Murphy J, Fabiánová K, García Cenoz M, Flem E, Guillot S, Tozzi AE, Carmona G, Habington A, Zavadilová J, Navasués A, Bøås H, Lévy-Brühl D, Ferretti B, Lanaspa M, O’Sullivan N, Křížová P, Fernandino L, Bekkevold T, Hanslik T, Muñoz-Almagro C, Bacci S, Spiteri G, Valenciano M, Moren A, PERTINENT Group.

Euro Surveill. 2021;26(4):pii=1900762

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Decline of tuberculosis notification rate in different populations and regions in Portugal, 2010-2017.

Sentís A, Prats-Uribe A, Peixoto VR, Caylà JA, Gomes MD, Sousa S, Duarte R, Carvalho I, Carvalho C.

Pulmonology. 2021 Sep 17:S2531-0437(21)00158-6. doi: 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2021.08.002. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34544672.

Available here

Evaluation of post-introduction COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness: Summary of interim guidance of the World Health Organization, Vaccine, 2021 July, 5.

Minal K. Patel, Isabel Bergeri, Joseph S. Bresee, Benjamin J. Cowling, Natasha S. Crowcroft, Kamal Fahmy, Siddhivinayak Hirve, Gagandeep Kang, Mark A. Katz, Claudio F. Lanata, Maïna L’Azou Jackson, Sudhir Joshi, Marc Lipsitch, Jason M. Mwenda, Francisco Nogareda, Walter A. Orenstein, Justin R. Ortiz, Richard Pebody, Stephanie J. Schrag, Peter G. Smith, Padmini Srikantiah, Lorenzo Subissi, Marta Valenciano, David W. Vaughn, Jennifer R. Verani, Annelies Wilder-Smith, Daniel R. Feikin

Available here

ROSES-S: Statement from the World Health Organization on the reporting of seroepidemiologic studies for SARS-CoV-2

Short Communication. World Health Organization Seroepidemiology Technical Working Group. Influenza Other Respir Viruses.

2021 June, 26

Available here

World Health Organization. (‎2021)‎. Evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness: interim guidance, 17 March 2021. World Health Organization

Patel MK, Bergeri I, Bresee JS, Cowling BJ, Crowcroft NS, Fahmy K, Hirve S, Kang G, Katz MA, Lanata CF, L’Azou Jackson M, Joshi S, Lipsitch M, Mwenda JM, Nogareda F, Orenstein WA, Ortiz JR, Pebody R, Schrag SJ, Smith PG, Srikantiah P, Subissi L, Valenciano M, Vaughn DW, Verani JR, Wilder-Smith A, Feikin DR.

Vaccine. 2021 Jul 5;39(30):4013-4024. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.05.099. Epub 2021 Jun 1. PMID: 34119350; PMCID: PMC8166525

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Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in adults aged 65 years and older in primary care: I-MOVE-COVID-19 project

Kissling E, Hooiveld M, Sandonis Martín V, Martínez-Baz I, William N, Vilcu A-M, Mazagatos C, Domegan L, de Lusignan S, Meijer A, Machado A, Brytting M, Casado I, Murray J-L K., Belhillil S, Larrauri A, O’Donnell J, Tsang R, de Lange M, Rodrigues A P, Riess M, Castilla J, Hamilton M, Falchi A, Pozo F, Dunford L, Cogdale J, Jansen T, Guiomar R, Enkirch T, Burgui C, Sigerson D, Blanchon T, Martínez Ochoa E M, Connell J, Ellis J, van Gageldonk-Lafeber R, Kislaya I, Rose A MC, Valenciano M, I-MOVE-COVID-19 primary care study team.

Europe, December 2020 to May 2021. Euro Surveill. 2021;26(29):pii=2100670

Available here

Global Landscape Review of Serotype-Specific Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Surveillance among Countries Using PCV10/13: The Pneumococcal Serotype Replacement and Distribution Estimation (PSERENADE) Project.

Deloria Knoll M, Bennett JC, Garcia Quesada M, Kagucia EW, Peterson ME, Feikin DR, Cohen AL, Hetrich MK, Yang Y, Sinkevitch JN, Ampofo K, Aukes L, Bacci S, Bigogo G, Brandileone MC, Bruce MG, Camilli R, Castilla J, Chan G, Chanto Chacón G, Ciruela P, Cook H, Corcoran M, Dagan R, Danis K, de Miguel S, De Wals P, Desmet S, Galloway Y, Georgakopoulou T, Hammitt LL, Hilty M, Ho PL, Jayasinghe S, Kellner JD, Kleynhans J, Knol MJ, Kozakova J, Kristinsson KG, Ladhani SN, Lara CS, León ME, Lepp T, Mackenzie GA, Mad’arová L, McGeer A, Mungun T, Mwenda JM, Nuorti JP, Nzoyikorera N, Oishi K, De Oliveira LH, Paragi M, Pilishvili T, Puentes R, Rafai E, Saha SK, Savrasova L, Savulescu C, Scott JA, Scott KJ, Serhan F, Setchanova LP, Sinkovec Zorko N, Skoczyńska A, Swarthout TD, Valentiner-Branth P, van der Linden M, Vestrheim DF, von Gottberg A, Yildirim I, Hayford K; The Pserenade Team.

Microorganisms. 2021 Apr 2;9(4):742. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9040742. PMID: 33918127; PMCID: PMC8066045.

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